Cavagna Group
Head offices, Italy
Via Statale n. 11/13
25011 Ponte S. Marco di Calcinato
Brescia – Italy
Type S23
Spring Loaded Pressure Regulators
The S23 Regulators are a new line of pressure regulators – direct operating type – designed to guarantee a high regulation accuracy and a utmost easiness in use.
These devices are usually used in distribution and industrial systems and are designed to be installed in regulation units in gas grids of natural, manufactured and Ipg gas or other non corrosive gases, filtered at first.
Body Material: Aluminium / Iron / Painted
Inlet Pressure: 6 to 20
Outlet Pressure: 10 – 4000 mbar
Nominal Capacity: request more information
Working temperature: -20(-30) ÷ +60
Inlet Connections: DN80
Outlet Connections: DN80