Cavagna Group
Head offices, Italy
Via Statale n. 11/13
25011 Ponte S. Marco di Calcinato
Brescia – Italy
Type S22
Spring Loaded Pressure Regulators
The S22 are a new line of pressure regulator – spring loaded – suitable for use in canalized nets of low and medium pressure with non-corrosive gas filtered at first.
The feature peculiar to S22 regulators is the trivalent operating, i.e. in a single body is united the following operations: main regulator, monitor, shut-off valve. Special use of a single body allows to reduce overall dimensions of regulation units and solve problems of replacement or conversion of existing units out of standard.
Body Material: Aluminium / Iron / Painted
Inlet Pressure: 6 to 20
Outlet Pressure: 10 – 4000 mbar
Nominal Capacity: request more information
Working temperature: -20(-30) ÷ +60
Inlet Connections: DN40/DN50
Outlet Connections: DN40/DN50